Refund Procedure
Tuition charges/refunds
  • Before the beginning of classes, the student is entitled to a refund of 100% of the tuition (less the registration fee of $75).
  • After the commencement of classes, the tuition refund (less the registration fee of $75) amount shall be determined based on the table below. The tuition refund amount shall be based on the total cost of enrolled credits of the student for the current semester.
Percent (%) of the credit hours attempted (Credit hours counting starts from the date when the classes started and includes holidays) Tuition refund amount (based on the total cost of enrolled credits for the current semester)
10% or less 90%
More than 10% and less than or equal to 20% 80%
More than 20% and less than or equal to 30% 70%
More than 30% and less than or equal to 40% 60%
More than 40% and less than or equal to 50% 50%
More than 50% 0% (no refund is required)
The percentage of the credit hours attempted is determined by dividing the total number of credit hours elapsed from the student’s start date to the student’s last day of attendance, by the total number of credit hours in the program.
For students enrolled in two or more courses that award semester credit hours, Richmindale College treats each course separately for the purposes of calculating the appropriate amount of tuition refund owed to the student.
Books, Supplies and Fees
Books, materials, software licenses, library services, and other supplies required for course completion are not provided by the school and are not the responsibility of the school; they are the responsibility of the students to purchase separately. Fees related to these items may be paid directly to outside vendors chosen by the students. Richmindale College is not responsible for and does not provide refunds related to these items. Refunds and related fees of these items are subject to the outside vendor policies and agreements with the student.
Refund Issuance Schedule
Refunds will be issued within 30 days from the date of student notification, or date of school determination (withdrawn due to absences or other criteria as specified in the school catalog), or in the case of a student not returning from an authorized Leave of Absence (LOA), within 30 calendar days from the date the student was scheduled to return from the LOA and did not return.
Refund Examples
Richmond enrolled in a degree program of Richmindale College and signed the enrollment agreement on July 1. Richmond enrolled in five 3-credit classes for the first semester that will start on September 1 for a total cost of $825 for the semester. Based on the terms of payment, Richmond paid the Registration Fee of $75 and the first monthly payment (payment 1 of 4) of $188, a total of $263 upon enrollment. Since one of the classes requires a software license, Richmond purchased the software license worth $200[1] from an outside vendor. Richmond spent a total amount of $463.