Student Evaluation Policy
Policy Statement

The purpose of student evaluation at Richmindale is to improve course content and instructions in ways that strengthen student learning. Students evaluate their course instructor, course content, course materials, and learning methods. It is administered during midterm and a second one during the final term. A midterm evaluation helps the instructors to identify problems and address them while they still have the opportunity.

The student evaluation is administered online through Google Forms. Links for the Google Forms are posted in their Google Classrooms. The process ensures anonymity for students. It is also ensured that student participation is voluntary and that their responses will have no impact on their grades or with their relationship with the instructor.

The data gathered from this evaluation activity will be summarized and fed to the Academic Semestral Evaluation Report for appropriate action. The aggregated results are then provided and discussed to the teachers individually and are also used in the outcomes assessment plan. The results of the student evaluation should not be used as the sole indicator of an instructor's effectiveness. Rather, other sources of information will be gathered.