Student Administrative Inquiries Policy
Policy Statement

Students have the right to make inquiries into the conduct of operations of Richmindale. The policies and procedures for administrative inquiries may assist students seeking to make inquiries related to program, classroom instruction, or other school-related issues. In the interest of open communication, inquiries shall first be directed to the staff directly managing the operations in question. If the one seeking inquiry is not satisfied with the response at this level, he or she is encouraged to follow a procedure. The following administrative procedures and line of authority are followed in responding to student administrative inquiries.

  1. The first level of inquiry shall be dealt with staff members
  2. If the matter is not resolved, it shall be referred to the Postsecondary Head. It is expected that most issues will be successfully resolved at this level.
  3. If the matter is still not resolved, the inquiry may be registered with the President, who will initiate the review of the matter within five (5) school days and will consult fully with all affected parties in reaching a decision. The final decision will be communicated both to the school and to the inquirer.

Feedback is considered with the intention of improving the services and business practices of the institution. If students wish to provide feedback or compliment to delivery of academic or administrative services, students need to fill out the Feedback Form.