Complaint/Grievance Policy
Policy Statement

The purpose of the student grievance procedure is to provide a means by which a student may pursue a complaint against a member of the faculty, staff, or administration. The definition of a grievable action is an action that is in violation of a written policy or procedure, or an established practice.

Complaints from students can be subjected to informal resolution through academic or administrative channels where the student directly discusses a concern with the Academic Head. The complaint will be resolved without the need to pursue the steps indicated in this procedure. In cases when informal resolution is not possible, the student may proceed with formal procedure of addressing grievances.

The grievance procedures will be considered confidential throughout the entire procedure. Breach of confidentiality is considered unacceptable conduct and may be subject to disciplinary action. The student must not be subjected to intimidation or threat of retaliation under these procedures.

The student must initiate the grievance process no later than twenty (20) days after the alleged incident occurred through writing a letter and calling a meeting with the appropriate administrator. It is the responsibility of the administrator to notify parties promptly to resolve a dispute at this level of the procedure. The merit of whether or not resolution was reached shall be given within thirteen (13) working days following the meeting with grievant and other parties involved.

If the dispute is not resolved still, the grievant can proceed to the next level wherein a grievance committee will further review the student’s written grievance and proceed to formal investigation. The named respondent will have ten (10) days to reply to the grievance in writing. Failure of the respondent to file a response within 10 days of receipt of their reply will not hinder the process from moving forward.

In the formal investigation, a quorum must be made comprising one student representative, one faculty representative, and at least two members of the grievance committee to decide on the matter. The committee investigation generally includes interviews, statements, retrieval of documents, and any other material necessary to make an informed decision.

Within ten days of receipt of the committee’s decision, the parties involved may file an appeal.